Tuesday, October 14, 2014

DXN Roselle Juice and Roselle Candy Benefits

Scientific Name(s): Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Family: Malvaceae (mallows)
Common Name(s): Hibiscus , Jamaica sorrel , karkade (Egyptian hibiscus tea), karkadi , red sorrel , red tea , rosa de Jamaica , rosella , roselle , soborodo , sour tea , Zobo drink
Served cold, the tart, grape juice-like drink is most commonly called roselle juice in English. Served hot, it's hibiscus tea or Jamaica tea.

In English-speaking parts of the world, the plant goes by the names hibiscus, roselle, rozelle, Florida cranberry, flor de Jamaica, Jamaica sorrel, Indian sorrel, Guinea sorrel, sorrel, red sorrel, saril, sour-sour, Queensland jelly plant, jelly okra and lemon bush.

In French, it's oseille rouge or oseille de Guinée. In Spanish, it's quimbombó chino, saril, sereni, rosa de Jamaica, flor de Jamaica, agria, agrio de Guinea, quetmia ácida, viña and viñuela.

In Portuguese, it's vinagreira, azeda de Guiné, cururú azédo, and quiabeiro azédo. In Surinam, it goes by the Dutch name, zuring.

It's known as bissap in Senegal, krajeap in Thailand, chin baung in Myanmar, and asam paya or asam susur in Malaysia.

In Sudan, Egypt and elsewhere in the Near East, it’s known as karkadé or carcadé.
In Chinese, it's 玫瑰茄 or 洛神花.

Roselle is Neither a Fruit nor a Flower
It’s easy to mistake roselle for a juice in tropical countries because it’s commonly sold streetside and in food courts alongside fresh pineapple, orange, lemon and coconut juices. In Southeast Asian convenience stories, roselle is among the single-serving bottles and juice boxes. It also turns up, as a sherbet, in expensive ice-cream shops. But hibiscus tea has been consumed as a soothing evening tea for centuries in Egypt and elsewhere in the Near East. It probably first made a splash in the prettily-packaged US tea market as an ingredient in Celestial Seasoning's Red Zinger tea back in the 1970s.

Botanically speaking, it's Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (family Malvaceae) and it’s the bushy H. sabdariffa var. sabdariffa that produces the edible products.The edible parts used to make “juice” or tea (actually, an infusion) look like reddish dried-up buds. In fact, they’re not flowers but calyces. It’s the calyx, the red, fleshy covering enclosing the flower’s seed pod, which is used for flavoring, cooking and food coloring. The flower of this variety of sabdariffa is yellow, white or light pink.

Roselle(Hibiscus) has been used in folk medicine as a diuretic and mild laxative, as well as in treating cancer and cardiac and nerve diseases. Although information is limited, the potential for hibiscus use in treating hypertension and cancer, as well as for its lipid-lowering and renal effects, are being investigated.

Although roselle is being studied, it hasn’t yet been proven to have the healing powers of bael fruit. It is high in calcium, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin C and iron, as seen on this Purdue University page. And the beverages have no caffeine. In East Africa, "Sudan tea" is consumed as medicine to cure coughs. In Guatamala, roselle is believed to cure hangovers. In Senegal, a roselle extract is said to lower blood pressure. In India, Africa and Central America, infusions made from roselle calyces or seeds are prescribed as a diuretic, to stimulate bile production and to treat fever.

Herbalist doctor's viewpoint

Hibiscus tea can be drunk hot or cold. As iced tea, the infusion is known to satiate thirst quite effectively. It is often recommended as an alternative to artificially made commercial "sport drinks" that are marketed to physically active individuals. Hibiscus tea's ability to cool the body is well documented by cultures that include it in their diet or medicinal practices. This benefit is probably associated with the diuretic properties of hibiscus, a property that helps in the excretion of excess fluids from the body.

2.High Blood Pressure
The antihypertensive properties of hibiscus tea were noted by a study in which 70 people were involved; half of them drank hibiscus tea once daily and the other half took 25 mg of antihypertensive medicine twice daily. After a month, 79 percent of the tea drinkers experienced a ten point reduction in blood pressure, 84 percent of the ones that took pharmaceutical medicine also experienced the same reduction in blood pressure. Hibiscus is an antioxidant. It has properties that prevents the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins; a substance in our blood that if increased beyond normal quantities may cause high blood pressure.

3.Weight Loss
Some tea drinkers use hibiscus tea to aid in weight loss. The body produces an enzyme known as amylase which functions to break down complex sugar and starch molecules in food. When a person consumes too much carbohydrate-rich food (full of sugar and starch) that individual is most likely going to gain weight. According to pubmed.gov, hibiscus contains a substance that can inhibit the production of amylase. A person regularly drinking hibiscus tea can thus prevent too much absorption of carbohydrates and consequently not gain excess weight.

4.Cough and Colds
According to the book "Healing Herbal Teas," fresh hibiscus flowers contain around 6.7 mg of ascorbic acid, a form of vitamin C, which is one of the more essential nutrients needed by the body. Along with this significantly beneficial substance, hibiscus is known to have anti-inflammatory and mild anti-bacterial properties. Thus hibiscus tea is often used as a supplement to help treat coughs and colds. Because of its cooling effect, it is especially effective in reducing the discomfort of fevers that may accompany such ailments.

Besides containing a significant amount of ascorbic acid, hibiscus is made of the following nutritional substances: 1.145 g of protein, 2.61 g of fat, 12.0 g of fiber, 1,263 mg of calcium, 273.2 mg of phosphorus, 8.98 mg of iron, 0.029 mg of carotene, 0.117 mg of thiamine, 0.277 mg of riboflavin and 3.765 m of niacin. Given all this, it can be said that hibiscus tea can serve as an excellent food supplement and an aid to boost the body's immune system.

DXN Roselle Juice and Candy

Roselle is a flowering that used to grow both tropical and sub tropical regions.The swollen red calyces of the plant contain rich amount of Vitamin C and Minerals such as Zinc, calcium and magnesium.Roselle is a medicinal plant in the malvaceae family that originated in Egypt.

What does Vitamin C do?

- Vitamin C is an antioxidant and can protect your body from free radicals which may cause heart disease and cancer.- Vitamin C helps your immune system & helps you heal from scrapes & bruises.- Vitamin C also keep your gum Healthy. People with lack of Vitamin C often develop swollen gums known as scurvy.- Vitamin C is an essential nutrient to maintain our metabolism.- Vitamin C provides good skin complexion & brighten up your skin.

Benefits of Roselle 

-Rich in Vitamin C which is necessary to keep your immune system strong, promotes healthy gums and beautify your skin complexion. roselle also has vitamin b1 (Thiamine), vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) and Vitamin B2 (Niacin) important for converting calories from protein, fat and carbohydrates into energy.-Contains many types of amino acids and nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, iron, calcium which are very important to our body.-Helps reduce fever and soothes cold.-High level of antioxidants such as flavanoids which are good for our heart and body.-Used as treatment for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).

Sunday, September 28, 2014

DXN Spirulina Benefits

The superfood spirulina is beneficial for everyone- children, athletes, busy adults, pregnant women, the elderly, the sick and the healthy. 

Spirulina is a blue-green alga found naturally in alkaline, warm-water lakes.  It has the essential fatty acids gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), linoleic and arachidonic acids.It is naturally low in cholesterol, calories, fat and sodium. It is an excellent source ofiron, calcium, folic acid  and magnesium. 
Since Spirulina is a concentrated whole food, it is easy to incorporate Spirulina in food preparations, especially for children who don't like vegetables. 

Studies with men in Japan and India showed that several grams of spirulina daily can reduce serum LDL and improve the cholesterol ratio. Human studies in Germany and India found a weight reduction effect from spirulina along with the cholesterol normalizing effects.
Studies with men in Japan and India showed that several grams of spirulina daily can reduce serum LDL and improve the cholesterol ratio. Human studies in Germany and India found a weight reduction effect from spirulina along with the cholesterol normalizing effects.

It has long been known that folate and vitamin B-12 are important to the healthy functioning of the nervous system. Now a new study published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" suggests that the interaction between these nutrients may play a significant role in protecting cognitive function as a person ages.
It has long been known that folate and vitamin B-12 are important to the healthy functioning of the nervous system. Now a new study published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" suggests that the interaction between these nutrients may play a significant role in protecting cognitive function as a person ages.

Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 321 
(Source:Prescription For Dietary Wellness by Phyllis A Balch, page 33)

Health benefits of DXN Spirulina


Being a Super Food, Spirulina Contains all the Dietary components in optimum proportion to nourish our Growth and Development. At the same time, it helps to keep our body in a perfect state of balance. 

The dietary composition and active ingredients of Spirulina are as follows :
Proteins :Essential Amino Acids (60% - 65%)
Carbohydrates :Polysaccharides, Glycogen (15%)
Fats :Essential Fatty Acids, like GLA (5% - 8%)
Vitamins :  B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Others (0.75%)
Minerals & Trace Elements : Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium,(8%) Selenium etc. in collodial form
Natural Pigments : Phycocyanin, Chlorophyll, Xanthophyll, Beta Carotene

Health  benefits of Spirulina :

        Growth and development
        Energy Booster
        Strengthening Immune System
        Zero Cholesterol Food
        Improving Gastrointestinal and digestive health
        Enhancing Natural Cleansing and Detoxification
        Better Antioxidant protection, reducing cancer risk
        Slimming and weight loss

Sunday, September 7, 2014

DXN Morinda Juice Health Benefits

Noni, the magical fruit from Polynesia, has a growing base of fans who swear by its health benefits. the popularity of the unsightly fruit is increasing worldwide and the sales of noni juice, capsules and powders are soaring. Millions of People are now taking notice of the numerous noni juice benefits, and they enjoy the health benefits that noni juice offers.

Noni originally came from India and is the fruit of the Morinda plant.

What is Noni Juice? What is Noni Drink? What is Morinda Citrifolia (Juice)?
Science has taken the mystery out this plant. Hundreds or research studies have proven that the benefits of noni juice are real.

Noni, or Morinda Citrifolia, is a fruit bearing tree native to India but has been transplanted all over the world. The tree usually grows well in warm, sandy or volcanic conditions, so it can also be found in throughout in the Pacific Islands. For some reason it grows best in Tahiti so Tahiti has become one of Noni's largest growers and exporters.

It is Rich in Vitamins and Minerals so the Juice has the become well known for its many benefits.

Some Physicians refer to the Noni juice benefits as the most important in the field of natural medicines and perhaps the future of pharmaceuticals. The benefits are too numerous to mention here but a quick search on the internet will turn up hundreds of studies and testimonials.

Morinda Citrifolia is also known as Indian mulberry and beach mulberry. This is an essential part of ancient Indian medicne, called Ayra Veda.

Noni fruit that has been properly grown, picked and processed has a multitude of benefits. The proper picking and processing is key to the delivery of the many benefits. It is good to eat it fresh off the tree but this is not always possible. Watch the video at the bottom of this text to get an idea of the trouble one company goes through to ensure the best quality of the noni juice.

As far as noni juice benefits go, this is a list of just a few:

Consumption of Noni equals 55% to 100% of the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI). Noni has high levels of carbohydrates and dietary fibres so its consumption may also help in reducing weight.

Xeronine, which is an alkaloid in the noni fruit plays an important role in the repair of cells in the body. Xeronine also helps in regulation of rigidity and shape of specific proteins in the human body. It enables the cells in the human body receive essential nutrients for the better performance. Sodium and Potassium in Noni help in delivering its superior antioxidants in the human body.

The juice can also act as an anti-ageing agent.

Noni juice helps in strengthening the human (and animal) immune system.

Noni juice can help in the energy levels of the body.

Noni juice is considered to be helpful in treating throat and mouth problems, and also in controlling menstrual bleeding. Many other diseases like blood sugar, blood pressure, arthritis can be influenced with Noni juice.

The juice can also be used as a laxative and for stimulating digestion.

Another Noni Juice Benefit comes from its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic effects.

The presence of noni-ppt or noni precipitate in Noni Juice makes it an effective product for many health issues including its use as an anti-inflammatory.

It also helps in improving several important functions in the human body due to the presence of Vitamin-C.

Noni Juice also contains substantial levels of the micro-nutrients Vitamin C, Iron, Niacin and Potassium. Calcium, Vitamin A and Sodium.

Athletes participating in a pilot study used noni juice daily over several weeks and their endurance showed a marked increase. The enhanced performance was attributed to noni's juice high levels of antioxidants.

Noni's medicinal value continues to be a source of excitement as noted in numerous scientific studies over the past 15 years.

There are very few, if any, substantiated drawbacks of noni when taken as a nutritional supplement. As always, consumers should be guided by their best judgement and consult with a medical professional if needed before using any supplements but in most countries noni is classified as a food and there is no danger in taking it.

Noni Nutrients
Noni is full of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. It has vitamin C, iron, potassium, niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin A, sodium, calcium and a range of phytonutrients. The amount of vitamin content, however, is not impressive; it is less than from an orange and, at the same time, the sodium content is three times as high as in an orange.

Traditionally, noni has been used for strengthening the immune system, curing digestive conditions, respiratory difficulties, skin problems, cuts, burns, various types of pain, menstrual issues, boils and even broken bones.

Users have claimed to feel an increase in energy, a lowering of their cholesterol levels and a general increase in stamina and well-being.

Studies show a positive effect on the reduction of cancer cells in rats. Athletes who took noni showed more endurance, Noni Juice brands are on the list of banned substances according to the World Anti-Doping Code.


DXN Morinzhi
Morinda Citrifolia Juice
Botanical Beverage
100% Natural
Another Authentic Natural product from DXN
No Preservative, No Artificial Flavour and Colour, No Sugar Added.

Morinda Citrifolia Juice, Natural Fruit Juice.
Shake well before using.
Refrigerate after opening.
Morinzhi is a nutritional botanical beverage specially formulated from Morinda citrifolia and enriched with Roselle.

Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) has been used among various tropical folks to promote health since time immemorial. Morinzhi (Noni Juice) is specially formulated by DXN using fresh Morinda Citrifolia and natural fruit juice with stringent supervision throughout. No preservative, sugar, artificial colour or flavour is added. Morinzhi is as natural as its origins found in the tropical greens.

According to a scientific report, Morinda citrifolia is rich in anti-oxidants which can improve the immune system and reduce the risk of cancer.

MORINZHI: Morinzhi is the pangent amber juice that remains at the top, abstracted from a tropical fruit called Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) is consumed daily for more than 2000 years by ancient Polynesian Cultures, as a prophylactic to enhance over all vitality and well being and a staple food choice for them.

Grown in natural tropical forests worldwide, Morinda Citrifolia, rich in more than two hundred natural enzymes, has been used to support the entire body treating a wide range of symptoms including Poor Digestion, High Blood Pressure, Respiratory problems and Immune Deficiencies.

Morinzhi works to correct problems with the structure of cells and saves our body by giving us the nutrients we need. It is invaluable as a “Healing Herb”.

Morinzhi made from Morinda Citrifiola has been shown to strengthen the following body structure;
1) Immune System
2) Skeletal System
3) Skin Diseases
4) Urinary System
5) Nervous System
6) Endocrine System.

Morinzhi is a natural antibiotic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-congestive and analgesic.

Morinzhi can be taken with other medication. As an Adaptogen, Morinzhi brings the body into more normal balance. It actually improves the efficiency of the medicine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has listed Morinda Citrifolia as GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe).

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bee Pollen Benefits for Skin and Weight Loss

Bee pollen is one of nature’s healthiest and most powerful superfood. It’s been used as a dietary supplement for thousands of years. The early Egyptian and early Chinese civilizations both used it as a physical rejuvenator and medicine. The Greek physician Hippocrates, recognized as the father of modern medicine, used pollen as a healing substance over 2,500 years ago. Today natural health practitioners often refer to bee pollen as an herbal “fountain of youth” that can be used for everything from weight loss to cancer prevention. It may be nature's most perfect food...
Regular intake of this tablet ensures your dose of Vitamin B, protein, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes -- essentials that assist in the maintenance and improvement of your general well-being. Bee Pollen has been highly regarded health food through the ages. It is a natural source of protein, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. It has rejuvenating and nourishing effects on the skin, preventing premature aging of the cells and stimulating growth of new skin tissue. It helps smooth away wrinkles and stimulates a life-giving blood supply to skin cells. Bee Pollen speeds up the burning of calories. An ideal dietary supplement.

Bee Pollen health benefits:
  • loses weight / weight control
  • increases energy, vitality and stamina
  • enhances the immune system
  • speeds the healing of wounds
  • relieves allergy and asthma symptoms
  • improves sexual function / boost sexual desire
  • improves fertility in females and males
  • corrects digestion problems
  • alleviates mentrual cramps
  • alleviates migraine headaches
  • relieves various prostate problems
  • slows the aging process
  • prevents cancer and other diseases

One thing is certain: people who consume high-quality Bee Pollen almost always experience an increase in energy, zest, and physical endurance. This is precisely why thousands of world-class athletes supplement their diets with this natural substance.
Over the long-term, regular consumption of Bee Pollen will help alleviate many different health problems, slow down the aging process, and improve your quality of life.

Bee Pollen's Super Healing Power

Bee pollen is the male seed of a flower blossom which are collected by the honey bees and mixed with the bees' digestive enzymes. It's a blend of sticky pollen granules that could contain up to five million pollen spores each. Raved by many scientists as a complete nutrition, a super nutritious, perfect food, these tiny pollens contain almost all the nutrients required by the human body and are enormously rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, beneficial fatty acids, carotenoids, and bioflavonoids which are anti-viral, antibacterial and helpful in lowering cholesterol, stabilizing and strengthening capillaries. Pollen is the only plant source that contains the exclusive vitamin B12. 
bee pollen ground pictureFresh pollens contain a wide spectrum of at least 20 amino acids which are the building blocks of protein needed to build every cell in the body, from blood cell to the cells in the skin, organs and bones. There are also more than 100 active enzymes present in fresh and unheated pollens. Eating foods that contain enzymes helps the body prevent and fight diseases such as cancer and arthritis and saves the body from having to make enzymes, a process that depletes energy. Applied to the skin, these pollens are also believed to be helpful in healing wounds and acne. Appreciated for years as an excellent weight control, bee pollen is low in calories and contains natural Phenylalanine which acts as appetite suppressant and Lecithin that helps dissolve and flush fat from the body, that is, detoxification and cleansing. Its ability to rejuvenate the body, stimulates organs, enhances vitality and accelerate rate of recovery makes it a popular home remedy and tonic among athletes and sportsmen. Despite the many thousands of chemical analyses conducted in the laboratory with the most advanced diagnostic technology to create a synthetic version, scientists are still unable to identify some elements present in the pollens. The bees must have added some mysterious goodness of their own that cannot be copied and replaced by any man-made food!

Most Common Uses of Bee Pollen

1. Strengthening Immunity Functions
2. Children's Physical & Brain Development
3. Asthma
4. Adrenal Fatigue
5. Fertility Booster
6. Weight Management
7. Choleserol and Triglycerides Reduction
8. Relieve Diabetic Symptoms
9. Skin Related Ailments, eg ezcema, hives, rashes.
10. Longevity 
Source: http://www.benefits-of-honey.com/bee-pollen.html

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Lions Mane and Spica Tea

DXN Lion's Mane

DXN Lion's Mane has been a very nutritious and valuable food in China and Japan since hundreds of years ago. It is also known as "bear's head" and "monkey's head". They are creamy yellow in colour . Lion's Mane mushroom or Hericium Erinaceus is definitely a rising star among natural treatments for some of the world's most difficult health problems. 

DXN Lion's Mane  Contents:
It contains almost all types of important amino acids needed by the body and it is also rich in nutrients, mineral, polysaccharides, adenosin, oleanolic acid and protein.

Analysis shows that the content of minerals like potassium and phosphate in the Hericium mushroom is higher when compared to other types of mushrooms. The amino acid content is 15.9% and there are 32 aromatic substances in the fruiting body of Hericium erinaceus as compared to Pleurotus ostreatus, Coprinus comatus and Agaricus bisporus.

DXN Lion's Mane Benefits

Lion´s Mane mushroom helps to support a healthy digestive system. It improves indigestion, relieves stomach and duodenal ulcer and chronic gastritis. In addition, Lion's Mane mushroom helps to maintain a healthy nervous system(alzheimer's Disease).

DXN Lion´s Mane tablet offers you a convenient way to strengthen your body system anytime, anywhere. 

Lion´s Mane mushroom Health Benefits: 
  • improves cognitive ability
  • stimulates nerve growth factor
  • activates myelination
  • tones nerves
  • provides antioxidant effects
  • boosts immune system
  • improves digestion and intestinal strength > used in the treatment of gastric ulcers and esophageal carcinoma

Lion's Mane may be useful in treating:
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer's
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Senility
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Other Neurological Conditions

DXN Spica Tea

The Spica Tea is specially blended from natural Chinese herbs includingGanoderma Lucidum (with more than 400 bioactive compounds) and Radix Glycyrrhizae, etc. It is mild and gentle.

Does not contain caffeine, preservative, artificial coloring or flavoring
This is an ideal drink for all ages and genders.
Spica Prunelle
Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae
Herba Menthae
Radix glycurrhizae
Ganoderma Lucidum
Place 1 Spica bag in 2 liter boiling water. Allow to stand for 30 minutes. Serve while hot or add ice for Iced Tea.

A refreshing drink Hot or Cold.

Spica Tea includes Ganoderma, Radix Glycyrrhizae (Liquorice Root), Dried Tangerine Peel, Herba Menthae and Spica Prunellae. With a similar taste to green tea, this product may assist your detox.
Box of 20 bags - each makes up to 2 litres depending on your personal taste.

Spica Tea Packaging:
20 sachets / box
1 sachet can make up to 2 liters of tea (let 1 sachet boiled in 2 liters of water ( or your desired amount of water ) for 3 - 5 minutes, remove the tea bag after 10-30min. enjoy it hot or cold)
The Spica Tea is our herbal tea Blended of five natural herbs and other nutrients essential for our maps improve respiratoryfunction.
1. Spica prunellae (Prunella). It also helps not only as "livercleanser" but also removes the reddish, painful, swollen, andwatery in your eyes. These are signs of a liver problem.
2. Pericardium Citri Reticulatae. This is the "mucolytic" actionin our Spica tea, to dissolve the phlegm and resolve the hardcough.
3. Herba Menthae. More commonly known as “mint.”This removes the excess heat (heat) from the head to the eye. Alsomitigating the excessive reflux of the esophagus.
4. Radix Glycyrrhizae. It cleanses the colon. Aides also alleviatethe work of respiratory function by removing the extreme sputumand adding fluid in the lungs and bronchial passages.
5. Ganoderma Lucidum.This is the most superior herb in our Spica tea. We all know the work of Ganoderma strengthens the immune systems.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Lower your Cholesterol with DXN Cordyceps


Cordyceps: A SuperFood

Worldwide studies have shown that this unassuming fungus might deliver even more potentially life-enhancing benefits than previously claimed. This is considered a superfood which is just beginning to make itself known in the western medical literature. It is another valued Chinese medicinal herb.

It is found naturally in the highlands of China, Tibet and Nepal. Cordyceps sinensis contains various nutrients and active ingredients, which include cordycepic acid, cordycepin, amino acids, glutamic acid, polysaccharides, vitamin B12 among others.

It has been long-treasured as an essential tonic that may enhance blood circulation, and maintain a healthy kidney function and respiratory system. Normally used by sports people for extra stamina, aerobic enhancement, to overcome fatigue, create alertness and to increase energy levels. Particularly good for high altitude sports.

cordyc31_bigThe best-known medicinal action of Cordyceps sinensis is the possible increase of physical stamina. Cordycepin might  very effective against all sorts of bacteria that have developed resistance to other antibiotics. Cordyceps has been shown to improve the internal balance mechanism, thus making the utilisation of oxygen more efficient.Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of Cordyceps sinensis on heart rhythm disturbances such as cardiac arrhythmias and chronic heart failure. Excellent studies have demonstrated the possible benefits of Cordyceps sinensis in helping to lower total cholesterol and triglycerides and to increase
HDL (“good”) cholesterol. Clinical studies involving male and female patients with decreased libido have shown significant improvements in symptoms. The most dramatic physical proof has come from a male fertility study that showed that a Cordyceps supplement greatly increased sperm count, decreased sperm malformations and improved sperm survival rate after eight weeks of use. These properties and others may account for the overall physical enhancement, the added endurance, the libido-enhancing attributes and the anti-fatigue eff ects seen in humans using Cordyceps sinensis.

Technological advances by DXN Research and Development team has successfully led to the growth and production of DXN’s Cordyceps sinensis. It is grown from pure and carefully selected species, which is organically cultivated under stringent quality control and testing – from cultivation to finished goods (there are many cheap Cordyceps on the market but only the Cordyceps sinensis has therapeutic benefits).

Cordyceps Benefits:

Enhancing and strengthening of the immune system:
Cordyceps is supposed to increase the number of the Natural Killer Cells, which are responsible for the body defense against viruses and bacteria. Some trials show that the fungus works effectively in the leukemia stricken individuals.

Improving sexual function:
in men and increasing libido by stimulating the production of sex hormones. 
Cordyceps may also be a means for fighting female infertility.

Building muscles and improving physical performance:
Those Chinese athletes, who use Cordyceps, tend to show better results than the other sportsmen.

Providing anti-aging and fatigue reducing effects:
The fungus works as an antioxidant and increases cellular formation, especially in the elderly patients. It also promotes more restful sleep, soothes the nervous system, and reduces anxiety, thus working as a sedative.

Improving the respiratory function:
Cordyceps shows good results in fighting against cough, chronic bronchitis and asthma, since it relaxes bronchial walls and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Enhancing cellular oxygen uptake:
This benefits all the body systems, giving them more energy and vitality.
Benefiting vascular system by improving circulation, regulating blood pressure, and strengthening the heart muscle.

Protecting liver and kidneys:
Cordyceps improves blood flow to these organs (as well as to the others), which results in their better activity and ability to fight the diseases, including Hepatitis and chronic kidney disease.

DISCLAIMER:  Cordyceps is said to be safe and has no side effects. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as children are not recommended to use it, since no studies have been conducted in such persons.
DXN Cordyceps Supplement

Cordyceps, one of the better-known traditional Chinese medicines, In China it is called " winter worm, summer grass"(DongChongXiaCao) and the "caterpillar mushroom".

For at least a thousand years according to the written record. It has always been very highly regarded, but it has also been the most expensive herbal raw material in the world. This is because it only grows at high elevation in the Himalayas around Tibet and Nepal and in small border sections of India and China. The high altitude makes its collection difficult, and this rarity of Cordyceps has limited its use by the general public. 

It is commonly used in China for the replenishment of general body health. Cordyceps has a broad range of pharmacological and biological actions on the liver, kidneys, heart, and immune system. One of the known pharmacological effects is its anti-oxidation activity.

Composition of Cordyceps:

Cordyceps contains abundance of nutrients and active ingredients such as cordycepic acid, cordycepin, amino acids, glutamic acid, polysaccharides and vitamin B12.

Benefits of Cordyceps:

-Cordyceps can relax the bronchia and strengthen the adrenal glands. Long term administration can reinforce the body against foreign attacks, improve the functioning of organs, strengthen the immune system and in turn, help to bring longevity. 

-Cordyceps gives the body increased vitality and energy.

-The effects of Cordyceps on the airways which lessening their resistance to relaxing and opening could also help to explain the traditional use of this medicinal plant in treating various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and tuberculosis. 

-The primary use of Cordyceps in Traditional Chinese Medicine is in the treatment of kidney disorders. 

-Cordyceps appears to be one of the most adaptive immunomodulators. It has been the subject of many studies in immunostimulation and has shown potent effects. The active constituents are water-soluble polysaccharides.

-Cordyceps is effective in revitalize the energy level of male patient.

-Studies have shown that Cordyceps can help treat some liver diseases. In one clinical trial, cirrhosis of the liver following hepatitis was treated with Cordyceps, which was found to improve symptoms and liver-cell structures dramatically. 

-Clinical studies have shown that Cordyceps can reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol and increase the amount of HDL cholesterol in people of all ages.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Why MLM Network Marketing?


Unlike many homebased businesses, Network marketing allows investors with very little capital to get started. With less than $100, you are good to go. If you are like without any fortune to start, then Network Marketing opportunity is your best choice.

I don’t know any homebased business that offers you free training like mlm Network marketing opportunity. This industry has unbeaten team work. Why? Because it is a win- win situation. I can’t explain how being part of this strong mastermind team has boosted me!

Network marketing gives you a chance to start on part time basis as you keep your daytime job. You can eventually keep quit your job as your business grows.

Most people need extra income. With the ever rising bills, you find that your pay check can’t cover all your bills. You definitely need a back up. The mlm Network marketing opportunity does that for you.

This is probably the most important.

“Rich people build networks while poor people look for jobs”.
To think of financial freedom, you MUST have either people or money working for you. Mlm Network marketing opportunity does it very well. You can leverage off the efforts of others.
But you must “kiss a few frogs” before you get there!

MLM Network marketing opportunity gives you a chance to retire young and enjoy your riches. If you really work very hard, within five years, you can think of retiring. I have not seen this in many Companies. Please let me know if you find some..

Do you love travelling? Network marketing gives you a chance to tour the globe. That is why you must be careful when choosing a company. You might want to think of global network marketing concept so that you travel to meet your business partners worldwide.

Basically, you are your own boss. You work at your pace and you set your own goals and deadlines.


In case of death(God forbid), our Network marketing Company give you a chance to choose legal beneficiary. What a beautiful way to reward your efforts. A good number of other homebased businesses collapse immediately.

You don’t have to bother with customers’ orders . The company does all that on your behalf. Yet you still enjoy Tax break benefits… Yet the overhead costs are minimal!

This is my favourite. I can’t mention how many friends I have made through Network marketing.

In Network marketing, you are never alone!
Invest and start your Mlm Network Marketing Business today! Why?
Also because Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad says so too…
“If I had to do it all over again, rather than build an old style type of business, I would have started building a Network Marketing Business”.



WordPress: dxninternationalmember.wordpress.com
personal site: http://ganoglobalgroup.mydxn.net